Partner search for conservation and valorisation of Mediterranean conifer in FR

MED Community Forums Partner search – Modular projects Partner search for conservation and valorisation of Mediterranean conifer in FR

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Eurocentro-IT 8 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #8396


    In order to enhance the vertical dimension and the territorial coverage of the partnership, we are still looking for a partner in France/Corsica with competence and expertise in sustainable management of protected areas and resources.

    Project title: ECONIFERnet

    Lead Partner: Institute for Sustainable Plant Protection – National Research Council. IPSP-CNR – ITALY

    Specific Objective 3.2: To maintain biodiversity and natural ecosystems through strengthening the management and networking of protected areas

    To develop, test and transfer a common, shared and integrated model for the preservation and valorisation of conifer characterised ecosystems of Natura 2000 sites in the Mediterranean.

    1. To exchange, share and pool knowledge, good practices and innovative approaches across Natura 2000 sites in the Mediterranean in relation to conservation/preservation aspects and governance/management practices. Through knowledge collection and transfer, and production of studies and the creation a Network of different relevant actors (PAs, scientific organisations,…)
    2. To identify and define sound management and conservation priorities, objective, strategies and measures for the protected areas involved, including stakeholder involvement.
    3. To adapt/test new innovative financial mechanisms and tools to guarantee: a) the long-term sustainability of PAs/Natura 2000 sites, and; b) to identify/ensure benefits and opportunities for different stakeholders of the PAs (ecosystem services, biodiversity businesses, etc.), and in this way increase territorial acceptance, and as such also reduce stakeholder conflict.

    1. Better preservation of conifer characterised ecosystems of the Med area (Natura 2000),
    2. Adequate financial resources through innovative fund raising measures
    3. Creation of pro-biodiversity diversity businesses compatible with sustainability of the PAs
    4. Permanent base for exchange to promote knowledge sharing, innovation and joint approaches.
    5. Facilitated introduction and maintenance of Natura 2000 by demonstrated benefits for stakeholders, better governance through shared and integrated approaches, socio-economic benefits to the territories. This also leads to better surveillance and acceptance of regulation.
    6. Better connection with local, regional and national policies and strategies.

    Maria Nygren
    Tel: +39 0731 215564
    Tel: +39 340 6524117 (gsm)

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by  Eurocentro-IT.
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