Agricultural University of Tirana (AUT) looking for partnership

MED Community Forums Partner search – Modular projects Blue growth Agricultural University of Tirana (AUT) looking for partnership

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    Dear colleagues,
    We can contribute with our experience and expertise to your proposed idea as a project partner.
    The Agricultural University of Tirana (AUT) is the unique center for undergraduate and graduate studies, scientific research, training and extension in the area of agriculture, food and environment (Agronomy, Horticulture and Plant Protection, Agribusiness, Economy and Agrarian Policy, Agro-environment and Ecology, Agro-food Technology, Animal Husbandry and Business, Aquaculture and Fishery Management, Forestry Engineering, Veterinary Medicine. Agricultural University of Tirana (AUT), founded in 1951 is a public university composed of 310 teaching staff members and 250 personnel. There are approximately 14500 students enrolled. AUT consist of 5 faculties, structured in 21 constituent units.
    The faculties are: Faculty of Economy and Agribusiness; Faculty of Agriculture and Environment; Faculty of Forestry Sciences; Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Faculty of Biotechnology and Food, with about 15.000 students.
    AUT was a partner in 12 projects in framework of “Tempus IV” Programme, alongside with other Western and regional universities, projects which focus on the reform and consolidation of higher education in the Balkan countries. It is also partner in 6 projects funded by Erasmus + Programme. AUT has also experience in EU scientific projects (Interreg, IPA-Cross Border Collaboration, FP5, FP6, FP7 and Horizon 2020 Programmes). For the academic year 2016/17, AUT has signed over 20 bilateral agreements with partner institutions from the Erasmus+ Programme countries (KA 1). Proposed project are implemented by respective faculties.
    Faculty of “Economy & Agribusiness” (FEA) includes five departments: Department of “Agribusiness Management”, Department of “Economy & Rural Development Policies”, Department of “Finance and Accounting”, Department of “Rural Tourism”, Department of “Business Informatics”
    Scientific research has been conducted through participation in: national projects, projects undertaken by the National Agency for Environment; bilateral projects with Greek and Italian government; DAD projects; NATO projects; IMG Tempus projects; World Bank projects; and projects for research and development which were funded by the Albanian government.

    Here is a list of recent projects where AUT/FEA has participated.
    IPA CBC-“WELLFOOD – Promoting Food Innovation for Wellness in the Adriatic” partners (Al, MN, SRB,BiH, SlO, GR, IT): IPA-CBC – ADRIA FOOTOURING (2012),(ADRIAtic FOOd and TOURism: INnovatinG smes: 2,005,110.10 Euro; partners ALBANIA 2, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA 2, ITALY 5,MONTENEGRO 1, SLOVENIA: IPA-CBC; THE ADRIATIC Olive GROVE (Al, MN, SRB,BiH, SlO, GR): 1CARDS 2000 Networking Project: AL, BA, MK-2 year: 299,975.00 €; CARDS 2000 Curriculum Development: AL, BA, MK: Enhancing and Complementing Postgraduate Education in Balkan Countries-3 year 500,910.00 €; CARDS 2002 Curriculum Development: 1244, AL: Reform of the Agricultural Studies-2 year 266,900.00 €; CARDS 2004 Training Courses for Institution Building: AL, BA, CS, MK Balkan Agri-Sector Initiative for Capacity Building-3 year 468,213.00 €; CARDS 2004 Training Courses for Institution Building AL: Développement institutionnel et professionnel pour une gestion durable des ressources naturelles en Albanie -2 year 255,150.00 €; CARDS 2006 University Management 1244, AL, BA, HR, ME, MK, RS: Support Network for Improvement of the Strategic Planning Improvement of university cooperation in Western Balkan region-2 year 297,340.00 €: Joint Projects – Curricular Reform: Land, agriculture, environment, food tech improvement and regional network of Higher Education 758.947,00 €.

    Contact: Dr. Ilir Kapaj

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